Friday, April 13, 2018

The Shepherd's Crook

          There are ironically many models or methods in the church today concerning shepherding. While the act of shepherding is presented clearly throughout the Bible it is Jesus who provides the ultimate example. As mentioned previously there are many methods to shepherding the people of God, yet there is but one teaching. This should not be surprising as there is but one faith, bible, Lord, but many denominations or methods of practice. This is not to suggest there are no absolutes or undeniable mandates for the follower of Christ but rather it is to suggest that there are many individuals. While there is one standard for the follower of Jesus, there are many teachers and interpreters of the standard.

New Testament's Teaching on Shepherding Others
            This essay will focus on the practice and training of shepherding others through the New Testament. There are many rich and wonderful parables or analogies to be gleaned from the Old Testament for sure but here the focus will be on Jesus as our example. The term “shepherd” is not always the term used in our churches today but the role of the pastor is synonymous with shepherd. “In fact, the English word ‘pastor’ comes from the Latin word ‘pastor’ which means ‘shepherd.’ There is little doubt, then, that the biblical model of pastoral ministry consists of elders functioning as shepherds.”[1] So it becomes clear that the biblical role of the pastor has a much farther reach then preaching and teaching.

            Unfortunately for some pastors Jesus is the example of what a shepherd or pastor looks like. This is certainly not an attempt to lump all pastors into one stereotype, it is instead an honest examination of the Western pastor. Society demands our pastor where a crown, or a tailored suit in place of the shepherds crook and a sweaty brow. With Jesus as our standard of a shepherd one can rest assured that suffering is also a requirement for the role. This is in stark contrast with the mega-wealthy pastor of our day. “We don’t naturally take on tasks that do not profit us (‘not for shameful gain’) or that we cannot ensure will go our way (‘not domineering over those in your charge’). We don’t naturally want to get close enough to model faithfulness in suffering.”[2] It must be stated again that this is not a judgement against all or perhaps even most.
            One does not need to research the New Testament long to find out that Jesus’ definition of shepherding is closely associated with sacrifice. The Apostle Paul provides many examples of shepherding through his own imitation of Christ in both suffering and concern. “His letters to the churches displayed the heart of a man who had labored many long hours in caring for God’s people. In fact, he refers to his suffering and labor amid people as the credentials that prove his calling by God in opposition to those who used earthly impressiveness to prove theirs.”[3] The key point here is that continuing to add to the ninety-nine is a righteous pursuit but it cannot come at the dismissal of the one who wanders.

Shepherding Models Must Fits Within the New Testament Model
            After interviewing a local pastor it became clear that with interpretation comes stylistic approaches. Without referring to a specific passage many pastors still model the methods of Christ in their own way or style. Counseling for example is a hot topic in the churches today and rightfully so. Some local pastors have admitted to not being as savvy in the area of counseling as they ought. This has not hindered them from getting their flock to a shepherd that has the skill and proficiency to serve in this area. “The pastor is also taught to be conscious of, and to cooperate with, other agencies and individ­uals in the community who help people with problems, such as doctors, psychiatrists, psychol­ogists, teachers, social workers, court officers, and lawyers.”[4] This approach is reminiscent of the disciples inability to cast out a demon from a small boy and then relying on the master Shepherd (Mark 9:17-29), albeit under humble terms.
            In the passaged just mentioned Jesus does tell his disciples that “these kinds can only come out by prayer.” This is a telling statement for today’s pastor in that, if you bring someone to another you are still to serve as a pastor and pray for them. In fact, the shepherd who wants to show his or her love for their God can look to their care of the flock before the growth of the ministry or the performance of Sunday service. “This post-resurrection appearance concluded with Jesus asking Simon Peter three times, ‘Do you love me?’ The response to Peter’s affirmations of love were ‘Feed my lambs… Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep.’ Peter was reminded that he had been called to serve Christ by being a servant who feeds the flock.”[5] Peter’s interaction with the resurrected Christ is a vivid reminder that our love for God is put on display by our love for His people and not our own personal greatness.

Approach to Ministerial Counseling
            While counseling is but one of the facets or requirements of the shepherd it is one that has been overlooked and underserved. Firstly, a foundation must be set in simply understanding the role of the shepherd is not one for the timid. There is no room for quitting when the situation or person gets difficult or even unreasonable. “For example, a shepherd takes care of his sheep even if they run off, just as God and Moses did not abandon the Israelites during the forty years of wandering in the desert, despite their constant complaints and rebelliousness.”[6] Often counseling is a metaphor for chasing after the one in order to bring them back to the ninety-nine. This can be frustrating to the hired hand who has failed to see the flock with the eyes of a true shepherd.
            Protecting and boasting over the ninety-nine healthy and safe sheep is missing the mark of shepherding. This is where counseling comes in and marks the path to return to the flock and begin the process of restoration. “Shepherding in the Judeo-Christian tradition includes at least three other functions: sustaining, guiding, and reconciling. Pastoral care includes more than pastoral counseling: all phases of the church's life are involved.”[7] Counseling acts as a starting point to restoration. The frustrating question is the obvious one at this point: So what is counseling? A new book could be written every week and provide a new description each time. The pastor’s role is to honor God and follow the example of Christ. For Jesus the answer is found in sacrificial love.

[1] GCU Lecture 2. 2016. "IHTH-611 Pastoral Theology." Grand Canyon University. Phoenix.
[2] Pierre, Jeremy, and Deepak Reju. 2015. The Pastor and Counseling: The Basics of Shepherding Members in Need. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway, 26-27.
[3] IBid, 27-28.
[4] Ninaj, Bess. 1957. "Ministerial Counseling." Ministry International Journal For Pastors. April. Accessed April 10, 2018.
[5] Wilder, Michael S., and Timothy P. Jones. 2011. "Life as a Shepherd Leader." Southern Equip. Accessed April 10, 2018.
[6] Aranoff, Gerald. 2014. "Shepherding As a Metaphor." Jewish Bible Quarterly 42, no. 1 36-38, 37. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed April 10, 2018).
[7] Fairchild, Roy W. 1991. "The meaning of hope in the task of shepherding." Church & Society 81, no. 3 61-72, 63. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed April 10, 2018).