Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Friend Troy

     Functioning Discipleship     
          In this report we will unfold the details of a functioning discipleship relationship. There are four major areas in this relationship that we will use to define the term, discipleship relationship also called a discipling relationship; trust, teaching, friendship in partnership and impressing the legacy of love. Jesus tells us that He is the Way and that the only way to the Father is through Him but Jesus did not leave us with a mold or methodology as to how to get there. In fact, we see Jesus use a number of ways to extend the invitation of the good news and each of them welcome the individual to pick up their own mat and walk. When training one another in Christ we must allow each other the freedom to come to Jesus on our own two feet.
            The example relationship we will examine is between this writer and my friend Troy. Our relationship began under strange circumstances but over time developed into a mutually beneficial partnership. Troy was our campus ministry leader in Albuquerque and we were introduced by title before names were given, as I served as a campus minister for a number of years before. When followers of Christ become professional Christians we follow suit and treat each other accordingly. This is still a very cordial and friendly, if not politically correct, approach but it is not family.
            Building trust takes quality time and no title given to an individual can replace the value of time spent together. When asking Troy whether or not it was easy to understand my perspective on the Bible and the Christian life or whether it took time to understand, Troy responded that the understanding was there immediately as there was nothing new being said but the life takes time to accept. This is wise because so many are willing to try anything for what they perceive to be success but an examination of the individual’s life may not back up their teaching. This is truly the heart of a Berean and one that is sought after by our Father in Heaven as my titles or achievements meant very little but life and doctrine would continue to be the dividing line.
            This was the beginning of trust for Troy and I. Trust is of course either strengthened or weakened by the fruit we produce. Fortunately for the follower of Christ we have no original material and the lifestyle is a result of who we follow and He has been faithful since the beginning. Troy commented that because there was fruit behind the teaching it was easy to understand and put into practice. It should be noted that no one can take credit for the fruit that only God can deliver. Serving Troy in this way is one of the joys and indeed responsibilities of following Jesus.
            Once we begin taking credit for the accomplishments of others we have missed the mark in a dangerous manner. To this writer’s understanding it is much like a wrench taking credit for the overhaul of a transmission. Not only does it take many tools to get the job done it takes a mechanic to put the tools to use. This is not to say there is no pleasure for the individual in a discipling relationship but it is to say that the idea of self will be far removed from that pleasure. Serving the gospel, whether in evangelism or discipleship is a striving for a glory that is not our own. 
            Teaching is most effective with trust in place. It is necessary to teach and instruct each other and so again we come back to the example of Jesus.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:12-15, NIV).
Our teaching comes from the Father as it did to the Son and we share in this teaching as we give it to others. We have been commanded to love and in this we are able to participate in an amazing aspect of the divine nature called friendship. Having asked Troy what he recalls about any teaching from our encounters, he used a term we are both trying to get away from but cannot: organic.
            Encouragement overtook my heart at hearing it and perhaps this is a sample of the pleasure an individual may experience in a discipling relationship. The idea of a robotic faith or a rinse and repeat approach did not sit well with Troy. Prepackaged evangelism is just a small step away from prepackaged discipleship and eventually Christianity.
“In some cases the method of witnessing we’re asked to use causes our evangelophobia. If it requires approaching someone we’ve never met before and striking up a conversation about Christ, most people will be terrified and indicate it by their absence” (Whitney 1992, 96).[1]
This is not to say there were not solid teachings and foundational truths offered to Troy in a prepackaged approach but we all must grow out of our mold. On to maturity as it is commonly phrased. This was my approach to teaching my friend Troy. Show him the tools given to us as His children and then let him play with them.
          Troy grew in ways that still encourage my soul today. This is the power of discipling relationships in that we can remove stumbling blocks for each other and then share in the joy of moving past them. Witnessing Troy develop as a man of God was empowering and completely fulfilling. It was at this time my mind was finally awakened to the fact that Troy is now my friend through trust, my fellow brother in following our Lord and my partner in the gospel by grace. Troy earned the trust of his ministry as he released control and became a friend to them as well. Troy still taught from the Bible but control was given to God and his ministry responded by becoming partners in the gospel.
            One vital shift that became evident to those around Troy was the growth of his entrusted ministry. Naturally the initial excitement was found in the number of souls that God was adding to His church. Something else was at work in the hearts of those believers that were in the campus ministry as well. Confidence, security and joy were evident in these men and women. Everyone had a place and felt a part of the family and this was the new radical message of love being passed along. Of course there is nothing new about the message of love but anyone who has ever experienced the blessing of its teaching will tell you it feels new every time.
            Finally Troy was asked to share what he learned from our encounters together. Troy, now a father with children running around him, said in short that there was a different way to do things. We can love this world without a script and we can trust that God is faithful. People can change because they want to and not because they are told to. Love is the long term solution. This is more than could be hoped for because if there was any one point I would want to give, it would be that love never fails.
It was in response to my next question that led me to marvel at the power of God and the joy or serving Him in this capacity. What is your approach to discipling relationships? What are you attempting to impress upon others in Christ? Troy said, “Neighbor is a global term not a local term, how we live matters.” This is one of many convictions that have developed in the maturing process of this man of God. A genuine discipling relationship affords both the privilege of sharing in our victories as well as defeats. In summary trust must be built and not manufactured, training must be rooted in the teaching of Jesus, friendship must become partnership and the legacy of love must be impressed to the next generation. When training one another in Christ we must allow each other the freedom to come to Jesus on our own two feet.

[1] Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1992.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dad Reports on His Kid

            This report was the more challenging and yet more rewarding that my previous two. Unlike Chris, a man in his twenties or Sarah, a woman in her forties, this report was centered on Benoni Moghadam. Benoni is my soon to be ten year old boy and he has heard the gospel message many times and is quite proficient in Bible memorization. On paper this may appear to be a much easier task but in reality the factors of age and relationship made this report a challenge. Choosing an approach that is best suited for the needs of the individual is not legalism, it is a practice of wisdom.
            Some may suggest or even strongly believe that if a child is both proficient in bible verses and understands that Jesus is the Messiah why not just allow them make their good confession and be baptized? Whether or not Benoni has already accepted Jesus as his Lord is between him and the Father not his father. This disturbs many but my hermeneutic of scripture leaves my conscience clear albeit perhaps not innocent. This being said it has always been my goal to train Benoni so that he lives his Christian life in love and not a parent’s expectation.
            The Apostle Peter put into words what has become a key theme in our home concerning the children and their pursuit of Christ.
“In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him” (1 Peter 3:20b-22, NIV).

The pledge of a good conscience before God is highly regarded in the home. After personal reflection this week it was my decision to take a different approach with Benoni while teaching him the gospel message. The pursuit of holiness out of love for Christ became a reoccurring theme in my reading and because of this Benoni was led in this way as well.
            We began by discussing the disciplines required to pursue holiness effectively. More importantly, we discussed the reasons why we would pursue holiness and why the need for discipline in order to accomplish the goal. “The gold of Godliness isn’t found on the surface of Christianity. It has to be dug from the depths with the tools of the Disciplines” (Whitney 1992, 19)[1]. This idea grabbed Benoni’s attention as we often speak of finding our gold nugget in our Bible readings. Gold must be mined and sought after but the rewards go well beyond riches.

            Following our conversation of discipline Benoni was immediately ready to read every day, pray every day, share every day and sing every day with incredible enthusiasm. This is not a bad thing by any stretch however; we must caution all whom we share the message with that doing the right things will not free us from sin. “At the same time, however, the pursuit of holiness must be anchored in the grace of God; otherwise it is doomed to failure” (Bridges 1994, 12)[2]. With this opportunity in front of us we further discussed one of our favorite topics as we spoke about the miracle of grace.
            For even in grace we find discipline as these two seemingly opposite functions find perfect balance in Christ. “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:15, NIV). It is our love for Christ and gratitude for the grace we have received by His love and mercy that compels us to live for Him and deny ourselves. This is the foundation for understanding what it means to love God with all your heart, mind and strength.
            Staying on track with this new methodology we began to look at the existential outcome of loving God because He first loved us. Disciples are adherents to the Word of God and not just learners of it. This is a vital truth that cannot be removed from the message and we should be able to show this truth by the relationships we have with one another. This is how God’s people show themselves to be a light in this world. “They learn God's truth together (head level). They embrace God's truth together (heart level), and they live God's truth together (hand level)” (Lecture 5 2014)[3]. Benoni mentioned a friend of mine that came to visit recently as an example and a wave of encouragement washed over me.
            Preaching the gospel through the lens of pursuing holiness is challenging as we cannot leave the individual with just the good news. The bad news is we need discipline in order to pursue holiness because our very nature will take away from the cross before we humbly bow to it. There is no sugar coating the truth about sin and this is true even for an almost ten year old.  Sin separates and removes us from that same grace we celebrated earlier. “That’s how the Bible talks about the depth and darkness of our sin—it is in us and of us, not just on us” (Gilbert 2010, 54)[4].
We pursue holiness in desperation as we are compelled by the love given to those who deserved only death. It is inside us all and all have sinned. We then examined Benoni’s favorite Old Testament figure, King David in a new light. Benoni read the report given to David by the prophet Nathaniel and it was confusing. Even King David was a sinner as we all are and his sin was no different than our own in that it is unacceptable in the presence of God. “So when we sin we are in effect treating God and His Word with disdain or contempt; we are despising Him” (Bridges 1994, 36)[5]. This was sobering to say the least.
This is a great example of just how much we need each other as followers of Jesus. If David could be moved to act in such a way how could any of us imagine we would not be led astray? Benoni remarked, “But that’s why we have Jesus?” This is why we need Jesus. My final encouragement to Benoni was that while we are so special in the eyes of our God we must not become consumed with ourselves. “Contemporary Christians are to be faithful disciples who invest in others who also invest in others and so on. They are not the last link in the discipleship chain − just the next one” (Lecture 5 2014)[6]. Choosing an approach that is best suited for the needs of the individual is not legalism, it is a practice of wisdom.

[1] Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1992.
[2] Bridges, Jerry. The Disciple of Grace God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994.
[3] Lecture 5. "MIN-525: Evangelism and Discipleship." Grand Canyon University. Phoenix, AZ, 2014.
[4] Gilbert, Greg. What Is the Gospel? Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2010.
[5] Bridges, Jerry. The Disciple of Grace God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994.
[6] Lecture 5. "MIN-525: Evangelism and Discipleship." Grand Canyon University. Phoenix, AZ, 2014.