Monday, March 19, 2012

If there is one thing I cannot tolerate it has got to be a whiner!  My education has led me into the field of Christian Apologetics and I am grateful to God for that.  However, the other side of my field or the dark side is known as Polemics, which is the argumentation against something (loudly more times than not).  This is usually expressed through complaint and the kind of critique you receive from a hipster about why there is no coffee in the world that can compare with coffee beans grown in Argentina and then naturally freeze dried at the North Pole.  This is to say the critique comes from a perspective that one must assume is valid or even reasonable… if enough words are spoken surely some of them must ring true. 

I cannot stand this form of debate, even when I agree with the Polemist… this is the definition of true animosity!  Within my Christian fellowship I have seen amazing things and been allowed to be a part of what I can only define as Spiritual adventures, loving every second of it.  That is not to say there have not been times when I have not been in disagreement with the direction or even the teachings (I am tempted to write the word doctrine here) of my fellowship.  I am no Polemist but I am a concerned follower of Christ and just within this sentence I have committed myself to being a part of a community which stands for something much bigger than me.  Knowing this often helps cool the flames of my zeal but this is not the only thing.

The study of Apologetics is literally a reasoned defense of my faith… it is a beautiful definition but how can reason be reasonable in the face of arrogance?  This is the pitfall of man and the end of reasoned discussion… allowing the mind to lead the heart rather that the heart (which is deceitful to say the least) lead the mind.  My intended statement here is that as followers of Christ we must talk to one another about a book that will not change and yet no one seems to be getting right.  In no way do I intend to become a one man Areopagus as I am in complete agreement that both mind and heart are needed in order to truly pursue Christ and seek His fullness.  With this being said we have reached the point of this blog… the Bible is a double-edged sword and to remove one of the blades is to handicap the greatest weapon the world has ever known.  So, I do not intend to complain but rather I do have every intention of removing stumbling blocks from the path that leads to life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alex...or shall I say, philosopher of God! This is well written. I loved this part of your blog--(I am tempted to write the word doctrine here). I look forward to following your writing. Let God's word be highlighted in your text and I am confident that He will use your words to gain others intrest in Him!

    Great job, faithful and concerned follower of Christ!

    --Shelley Barajas-Leyva (AKA Rishell)
