Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Word of God?

The Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword… this is the analogy given to us in the book of Hebrews within the Canon of Holy Scripture.  Some may think this is an odd way to simply say Bible but in saying that I would need to redefine some terms that have taken a life of their own over the years.  Canon is a collection of holy writings, i.e., books of the Bible, whereas "Bible" is a Holy Book of any religion.  If I had a book of C.S. Lewis and his contemporaries, J.R.R. Tolkien and the like, would I be looking at the Word of Science Fiction?  What if these men could simply trace their inspiration back to one man named Steve, would we then take this collection of stories and call it the Word of Steve?  This is in no way intended to take away from the accomplishments of Steve, in fact, if Steve could inspire the minds of men like C.S. Lewis and Tolkien he should be held in high regard. 

Your point please: No matter how much Steve has influenced these men in the art of Science Fiction both of these men (in our example) have written very different books to different audiences.  The books do share many commonalities however, including subject or rather genre as well as an audience that shares their common interest in Science Fiction.  Lets take this example one step further since we are already this far outside of the box anyways.  Let us assume that we came to discover that both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien are in fact brothers and Steve is their father.  Now we have a case for definite influence, at the very least, in the genetic as well as environmental stages of influence.  Could we then conclude that Steve gave exact words to his children and instructed them to write them down as he dictated word for word?  Why then have two separate authors with varying styles in both writing and expression of thought?

This is a light bulb moment for me as I cannot say that I have not become more like my mother over the years and yet I remain an individual.  I have taken some of the characteristics and traits she has given to me by way of parental influence and I have added them to my personality.  This is to say that I do agree that a child represents their parents and yet a parent cannot fully replicate themselves in their child… try as they might.  The bottom line is this: The words found in the Bible give us a Father’s influence on His children.  From my perspective it is the underlying theme and thought behind the words that best give us the Word of God.  The Word is indeed God-breathed, but written by God?  With careful instruction through the Holy Spirit (which is a mystery in it of itself) men were carried along to write as they did and yet we find very different books written by authors within the same genre (religion or spirituality if you like), writing to an audience with common interests.  The book of John is a great example (in my own estimation) as it is not synoptic by any means and yet it is a Gospel of Jesus Christ the same as Matthew, Mark and Luke.

His ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our own… in the same line of reason I would venture to say that no one man aside from the Son and Spirit could ever embody the thoughts or ways of God Almighty.  If this makes a shred of sense to you then go one step further and ask could one man ever represent fully, within a book no less, the very Word of God.  This should lead us all too new thoughts and even frustrations… I do not apologize!  Is the Bible the Word of God?  No, the Bible is a Holy Book and should be treated this way.  Why treat the Bible in this way?  It contains the Word of God within it of course.  What?!  We're just getting started! 

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